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La Pérérée to Murianette trail
I wanted to explore la Pérérée to Murianette trail. It is a jeep track, about 2 meters wide.
2019-07-30 12:06:00
Late Lunch Ride via la Murianette
Got out of work at 12h40 and it was very warm so didn't fancy riding too fast. Not bad in the shade but the final climb to Revel was an inferno.
2019-07-26 12:00:56
Spring Training #2
Spring training with Yves and Valentin. Started with some rollerskiing. First V1 without poles but same arm action, trying to plant ski flat and glide for as long as possible.
2019-06-19 20:02:20
Col de Porte rollerski track
DescriptionThere is a small, 1.3 km loop through the woods and a biathlon shooting range. The loop has a short climb that is quite hard if you repeat the loop.
2019-06-12 19:56:32
Morning ski tour between the rain to the Oursière
There was a bit of a weather window this morning. Unfortunately I was a bit late and missed the best conditions before 10am.There is still snow at the bottom of the pistes at Pipay.
2019-05-18 10:23:40
St Eynard to the snow
Freezing today I rode as far as the snow although the road was clear to the fort. Cold hands and feet on the climb but warmed up a bit on the descent. St Eynard is certainly steep at the end.
2019-05-06 16:54:39
Grand Plan flèche and chamois
Time for the tots traditional fleche and chamois tests with the Barioz ski club in their micro ski area of the Grand Plan.
2019-03-09 15:08:22
Dent d'Arclusaz from Epernay
From Epernay follow the road that climbs to the south-east, then zig-zags to the south.
2019-02-14 22:43:30
Skating to the Crêt Luisard
I knew there was a lack of snow. All the lower runs are shut. The skating was pretty good. A lot of people on foot, some stomping on the ski runs, doh! Not too many other skiers.
2018-12-30 00:25:53
Col du Prelong
A return to the Pre Long, maybe the hardest climb in the Gresivaudan, and that is just the surfaced bit ! A good time of 25m36s from le Mas Julien to the end of the surfaced road.
2018-07-01 09:48:48