Mountain Biking: La Pérérée to Murianette trail - 553 m. (1,814 ft)

Tue, 30 July 2019


Minimum altitude: 210 meters

Distance: 23 km

Slope Aspect: North-West

Vertical Climbed: 388 meters (1,273 feet)

Vertical Descended: 393 meters

Rating: 3


I wanted to explore la Pérérée to Murianette trail. It is a jeep track, about 2 meters wide. It starts nicely but quickly turns into a section of greasy flagstones and rocks before turning back to earth. Generally rideable and not too steep it is not that interesting either but might be used to link back to the valley. Ends at the Church at la Murianette. Approx 2km long.


Greasy, damp on the descent. Not too hot on the climb.


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