Mountain Biking: la Marie et cie - 693 m. (2,274 ft)

Thu, 11 March 2021


Minimum altitude: 264 meters

Distance: 16.7 km

Slope Aspect: East

Vertical Climbed: 637 meters (2,090 feet)

Vertical Descended: 641 meters

Rating: 3


A return to the Marie. I managed to screw up the entrance and do a loop and land on my head which left me a bit dazed for a minute or two. Afterwards not as good at the top due to wild boars digging up the trail, we repaired some of the damage. Afterwards we traversed over to the Côté Borne <> which has seen some logging. the lumberjacks had blocked the entrance to the trail with bushes for some reason or other. Then finished off with the Trousset. All in all very good but bikes need some maintenance now.


Dry except for the Bernin rock garden which was greasy from the previous nights drizzle, we didn't ride it. Marie: boar damage at the top in 3 places. Côté Borne: blocked at the entrance by forest workers but afterwards ok but cut up by mountain bike traffic at the start of the steep section. Trousset: good


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