Minimum altitude: 1,282 meters
Distance: 19.8 km
Slope Aspect: East
Vertical Climbed: 628 meters (2,060 feet)
Vertical Descended: 636 meters
I've been testing myself on this climb and thought I might be able to go under 29 minutes but it was not to be, 4 seconds of my fastest time : 29m14s. Well it confirms that 29 minutes is about my limit at the moment. Last year my best was 30m50s so that is 1m40s improvement over the last 12 months. I did manage a PR on the Parking -> Oratoire segment by 1 second (30m27s), 3.9km at 8.4% due to skiing quicker on the flat section at the bottom.
I didn't really lose a lot of time on the climb, a bit slow on the middle section but quicker at the bottom and top but I really can't squeeze anything more at the moment. The snow was better than last week, less deeply groomed so easier to ski, especially the descent, although after last week's accident I took it easy.
Good overnight refreeze. 4C at the col. Very good piste grooming today.