Mon, 22 February 2016
Vertical Climbed: 800 meters (2,625 feet)
Rating: 5.1
From the Desert drag lift follow a track (vallons piste) through the Pres de Clos to pt 1448m then climb up the Grande Montage slopes to the ridge. You can check out the couloirs from here. Climb to the summit of the Grand Serre at 2141 meters.
There are 7 separate couloirs which are more or less skiable. The couloir furthest to the left, which doesn't exit onto the ridgeline (so you will have to climb it) is the easiest. The couloir just to the left of the summit (direct) is the hardest: 5.1 toponeige). The couloirs are frequently protected by cornice at the summit. The first 50 meters of the direct are between 50 and 55° depending on snow conditions.
Comments on route: Couloirs possible as an off piste using the ski resorts lifts. Dangers: winslab, hard snow at the summit. Purges in the spring.
Access: Grenoble -> Sechilienne -> l'Alpe du Grand Serre
Equipment: Crampons, ice-axe
Country: France Area: Matheysine Trailhead: Grand Serre