Minimum altitude: 1,363 meters
Distance: 9.4 km
Slope Aspect: North-West
Vertical Climbed: 717 meters (2,352 feet)
Vertical Descended: 725 meters
Rating: 2.1
Avalanche Risk: 2
Snowline: 1,380
I saw a TR on skitour which spoke of parking at the reservoirs and snow from 1500 meters. It didn't sound too bad and I had a few hours free while my son was at school so figured I could climb to the Coche in that time. In the end I parked at the end of the metalled road at 1360m and skinned immediately, continuous snow started 200 meters along the track at 1380 meters but the snow was only really good from around 1550 meters. I'm not convinced of Meteo France's claim of 60cm of snow at 1600m but it is true the snow improves rapidly. There was a skin track all the way to the pass and I decided to explore a bit higher and ski the steep, north facing slopes above the pass which had untouched powder. Skiing in the Siflet valley on the west side of the pass was excellent, even with my skinny 68mm rando competition skis (to save weight) and some very pleasant snow on the border cross - for some reason people had avoided the powder to the side of the path, probably didn't know what it was in this poor snow year.
Parking 1360 meters
Snowline up 1360 meters
Snowline down 1380
Good snow from 1550 meters.
Coche: 10-20cm of powder on hard base