Minimum altitude: 970 meters
Distance: 15.4 km
Slope Aspect: South-West
Vertical Climbed: 473 meters (1,552 feet)
Vertical Descended: 473 meters
Return to Emeindras with skate skis as the trails had been pisted. However I broke a basket on one of my poles which meant for a bit of lopsided skiing. The snow was a bit loose in places which made for hard climbing as skis tended to sink in. I didn't quite make it to the top as it was getting dark and there was deep windblown snow on the trail - it is just a very short ramp. Much slower then previous times but nice to see the trails open, it's been a long time.
Warmish but some wind at altitude. I didn't ski the last few meters due to snow drifts. Good ski descending. Lots of people around and the parking was rammed. Roads were clear.