Alpine Skiing: Christmas 7 Laux - 2,350 m. (7,710 ft)

Wed, 25 December 2024


Minimum altitude: 1,335 meters

Distance: 58 km

Slope Aspect: Various

Vertical Climbed: 7,161 meters (23,495 feet)

Vertical Descended: 7,161 meters


We decided to head up to the 7 Laux for Christmas day on the grounds that the locals would be eating their Dinde aux marrons and otherwise occupied. It turned out to be a good plan. Hardly anyone on the slopes with excellent snow for the time of year. The Blacks were not open due to avalanche risk but everything else was good. Some pistes were not pisted and the snow was a bit wet cement like - it had taken the wind or sun or something.


Warmer than at Allevard at the weekend. Very good snow for Christmas but the man made snow was very hard and icy.


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