Minimum altitude: 130 meters
Distance: 32.3 km
Slope Aspect: East
Vertical Climbed: 574 meters (1,883 feet)
Vertical Descended: 569 meters
Rating: 3
A ride to Mont Narcel, one of the Monts d'Or. For a change I went by St Romain au Mont d'Or and the Thou road with its 8 hairpins. 17 minutes for the climb to the village on 7.3% gradient with a nasty 20% ramp at the end which I could only a third ride... on my other bike it would probably have been possible. Mont Narcel is some secret govt. base / listening post and well protected by barbed wire but no one visible but watchful security cameras.
Very cold. -1C. Some snow at the top of Mt Narcel.