Road Cycling: Traverse of the Mont d'Or - 489 m. (1,604 ft)

Sat, 21 September 2024


Minimum altitude: 133 meters

Distance: 38.2 km

Slope Aspect: Various

Vertical Climbed: 505 meters (1,657 feet)

Vertical Descended: 496 meters

Rating: 3


Trying some new roads. I went along the Saône to a spot called Hawaii - people surf here on the waves. I should have carried on another few meters as there is a tunnel under the railway bridge but instead I doubled back on a parallel road. Past a helipad then almost joining the autoroute before climbing up to Caluire. From here I crossed over to Fontain sur Saône but not before a bad chain derailment which completely covered my hands in oil. Luckily I found a basin to clean them somewhat.

The road to Albigny sur Saône is busy, there is a cyclepath to Albigny but the last km is bad. Better to pass through the center of the village but I had bad memories of a very steep climb. The Poleymieux road is ok then a very steep climb to the Roche de la Voute but there are very few cars. A pleasant descent back into Lyon. We always like to arrive home with a descent. Traffic jams in Lyon due to a market.


Warm, almost hot.


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