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Series of avalanche across Alps and Pyrenees
A series of avalanches across the Alps and Pyrenees have killed two off piste skiers and left a young man in a serious condition.
2013-12-26 18:44:02
Ski tourer killed by Pralognan slide
Despite the low to moderate avalanche risk in the sector two ski tourers were caught by an avalanche in the Prioux valley near Pralognan la Vanoise this morning just before midday.
2013-12-22 19:15:18
Avalanche warning from Hautes-Alpes mountain rescue
The CRS des Alpes in Briançon has issued the following warning: The snowpack in the Hautes-Alpes is particuarly unstable at the moment, something that is at odds with what you may read in the avalanch
2013-12-21 22:42:11
Speed rider killed by Huez avalanche
A speed rider has been killed by an avalanche in the ski resort of l'Alpe d'Huez early this afternoon. The man, aged in his forties, was with a group of four.
2013-12-21 18:26:51
December 2013 snow conditions in the French Mountains
Despite early season snow, conditions have been a bit poor in recent weeks outside of open ski runs where cold night weather has enabled some snowmaking.
2013-12-20 10:06:18
One boy and his dog: Belle and Sébastien
Like me, you may remember the black and white children's TV series from the 1960s about the adventures of a boy (Sébastien) and his Pyrenean sheep dog (Belle).
2013-12-18 22:01:48
Most unstable snowpack for a decade in Alps
Conditions at the moment are similar to the start of the 2005 / 2006 season which saw a record 57 avalanche deaths in France. A thin snow-pack with very strong temperature gradients.
2013-12-18 00:03:48
Grande Odyssée 2014
It is already the 10th edition of the internationally famous Grande Odyssée dog sledding race. The 30 mushers and their dogs will cover a thousand km over eight stages.
2013-12-13 09:20:11
Chamonix pisteurs fear uphill skiers
The lack of snow and generall poor conditions are creating conflicts in ski resorts as ski tourers and resort workers clash about access rights to the ski slopes.
2013-12-13 09:07:44
Roof Avalanche and Airbag Burial
Roof avalanches can be a serious danger. In Texas a woman managed to catch the exact moment slabs of snow slide from this roof.
2013-12-11 09:08:50