Minimum altitude: 1,599 meters
Distance: 26.2 km
Slope Aspect: Various
Vertical Climbed: 659 meters (2,162 feet)
Vertical Descended: 658 meters
Difficult xc skiing at the moment, it is either too hard or too soft and there is a lack of snow below 1400 meters. I'd skied Chamrousse at the start of November, nearly 5 months ago. I wasn't desperate to go back but I didn't want to drive far and I'd skied Barioz and the Col de Porte in the last days and nothing else local was in condition.
Some PRs
I still can't ski the steepest bits of the Astragale, it must be over 20%. I wasn't particularly trying for PRs; probably a combo of longer skis, hard snow and better technique but I was just kind of cruisin' trying to ski properly. I must admit the other climbs were much easier for me than in the past.
Snow was concrete at 9am due to high humidity in the snowpack refreezing in the clear sky. By 11am things were getting soft on any slope facing the sun (N.E. first thing, then E). Had to stop at 11am as it was getting too slow.