Roller Skiing: Stella Greasy Rollerski - 222 m. (728 ft)

Tue, 3 December 2019


Minimum altitude: 209 meters

Distance: 14.7 km

Slope Aspect: Various

Vertical Climbed: 54 meters (177 feet)

Vertical Descended: 55 meters


It was a grey day. After my run last week I wasn't keen to repeat the experience and have to rest up for a few days. Cycling - too cold and mucky. Nordic skiing? not enough snow. So I decided to skate rollerski the superloop. I wanted to start from work but lacked time so started just over the road bridge - heading down to the University footbridge on wet roads. Coming off the bridge the path was greasy and leaf covered, impossible to turn onto the footpath so I carried straight down the runout before making a u-turn. Afterwards nothing much to report, the path was more or less skiable and I trundled around at a moderate pace which I feel I could have kept up a lot longer.


Toepath was not too damp but intermittent patches of wet leaves made life slippy. Better conditions on right bank, which is more open.


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