Minimum altitude: 979 meters
Distance: 12.1 km
Slope Aspect: South-West
Vertical Climbed: 420 meters (1,378 feet)
Vertical Descended: 420 meters
I didn't know what the runs at le Sappey would be like. The bottom slopes are below 1000m. In fact things were okay, just. There were one or two bare spots where you were better off taking skis off but the climb was okay except that a lot of walkers (and fat bikers) had been on the lower slopes. Descending was easy as the snow was warm and easy to turn and brake. 37m10 on the climb compared to a PR of 36m25 but I stopped for a least a minute, maybe more, on the climb for a technical reason. 8m23 on the descent - so a PR.
Generally good snow on the climb. A bit soft in the sun. Some bare patches at the bottom, care needed.