Minimum altitude: 216 meters
Distance: 30.3 km
Slope Aspect: East
Vertical Climbed: 586 meters (1,923 feet)
Vertical Descended: 628 meters
Rating: 3
Climb via Ste Agnes to get a bit of altitude on the road to Grenoble. The climb has some little ramps on it but is mercifully short. 34 minutes to climb today for a VAM of 873 m/h - must try to get back over 900 but maybe not on a commute. A lot of cars on the first part of the climb as they are using it as a short cut while the Brignoud bridge is down (more a long cut if you ask me). The descent is nice and quick but I need to adjust my headset preload, bit of the colly-wobbles.
Muggy but not too warm, pleasant at 7.30am.