Minimum altitude: 1,094 meters
Distance: 14.5 km
Slope Aspect: East
Vertical Climbed: 361 meters (1,184 feet)
Vertical Descended: 352 meters
I took off work an hour early to head to the Col de Marcieu nordic trails. They had been pisted and reopened following fresh snow but there were a few reports of lack of depth. Well everything was ok from the car park except for a short section. I was on classic skis and managed a respectable pace of 6m30/km overall. The first climb, the 7% Cote des Playeres taking 17m36 (compared to a PR of 13m22) and the return along the 4% Herse trail 29m45 compared to a PR (on skating of 21m34). Got the skis working fairly well.
Good skating and classic conditions. No classic tracks on the black. Lack of snow halfway down the descent to St Hilaire.