Minimum altitude: 968 meters
Distance: 13.2 km
Slope Aspect: South-West
Vertical Climbed: 437 meters (1,434 feet)
Vertical Descended: 436 meters
The idea was to tour around the lower part of the domain as the Emeindras descent was too frozen last week for my liking. So skied up to the Combe du Soleil, someone managed to ski into me while climbing but stuff happens, no gear damaged. As I was warmed up I skied down and took the Combes climb (1.23km / 115m D+) which is a steady 10% climb that I've not seen pisted in previous seasons. There is almost no variation in slope so it is a nice even Skate One climbing exercise. Again someone climbing was all over the back of my skis (doh), he was quite a good skier too. The descent was a bit icy and less fun than Emeindras but the rest of the pistes, which were icy the other day, were great. Skied around to St Eynard where a tractor had removed snow from the pistes and blocked them for some reason.
Excellent skating conditions but hard snow on the descents on steeper shaded slopes. Lost of people as the Alpine ski area is open.