Posted on: 2021-12-06 10:35:09 by davidof

Critical avalanche situation in the Pyrenees and Haute-Savoie

The snowy start to December continued over the weekend with up to a meter of new snow in the central and western Pyrenees and fresh snow in the Alps. The avalanche risk is currently maximum (5/5) over much of the Pyrenees and (4/5) in the Haute-Savoie including the Mont Blanc range. There is snow cover from valley levels in many areas but some high altitude rain has partially stabilized the snowpack below 1500-1800 meters. It is vitally important to understand the avalanche bulletin before backcountry travel. The avalanche services has warned of the probability of large skier triggered slides at altitude on various slope aspects. Remote triggering is also possible.

On Saturday a ski tourer was buried by an avalanche near Mont Saxonnex in the Haute-Savoie. The accident occurred in the Combe de Sotty. He was rescued by his friend after 12 minutes under the slide which measured 2 meters deep. Mountain rescue transported him to hospital with leg injuries. The head of the PGHM for Annecy strongly criticised the group for endangering the rescue workers. A ground rescue had to be organized due to poor weather with a risk of secondary avalanches.

Glacier de Gébroulaz (photo: PGHM Savoie)

On Friday a ski tourer triggered a large avalanche on the glacier de Gébroulaz above Val Thorens. The 20 year old man from Grenoble didn't have an avalanche beacon and was fortunate to not be completely buried by the slide. The skier was able to dig himself out of the snow and ski down under his own steam.


