Minimum altitude: 170 meters
Distance: 26.5 km
Slope Aspect: Various
Vertical Climbed: 466 meters (1,529 feet)
Vertical Descended: 465 meters
Rating: 3
Lunch tour over Mont Cindre with a Fourviere as a bonus. Fourviere and the city center had a very heavy police presence for the funeral of the former mayor Gerard Columb. The climb to Mont Cindre is about 300m V+ over 6km. Not hard but you can push yourself on it. I took 23m for a VAM of 720m/h. Fourviere added another couple of kms taking 8m37 with a VAM just over 800. Not too bad.
Coldish but sunny, dry but some wet leafs on the edge of the road. Chemin de Crecy climb steep and skiddy.