Minimum altitude: 214 meters
Distance: 27.3 km
Slope Aspect: South-West
Vertical Climbed: 548 meters (1,798 feet)
Vertical Descended: 547 meters
Rating: 3
A little lunch ride as the weather was pleasant. The road from the Dog and Cat home to le Paradis really is steep with lots of little ramps, thankfully short but with quite a bit of traffic. I jammed my gears before the final climb which slowed me down a bit.
Climb to the hamlet of le Paradis took 20m03, just 15 seconds off my PR with a VAM of 970. Will try for the 1000 next time, just 1.5 meters more per minute. The descent 8m27, PR was 8m50.
Wet on the road in the shade. Descent not too bad but road works at the end. Warm enough to cycle without a wind jacket.