Road Cycling: St Mury, Belledonne commute - 737 m. (2,418 ft)

Thu, 20 July 2023


Minimum altitude: 193 meters

Distance: 29.7 km

Slope Aspect: North-West

Vertical Climbed: 577 meters (1,893 feet)

Vertical Descended: 618 meters

Rating: 3


Commute via St Mury this morning. Slightly less climbing but a bit longer. Climb was good. 3 minutes quicker than June and just 48s off my PR set last year. Plus a PR on the last 2k of the climb, ok by 14s. PR on the descent but largely within my normal times. A bit tired still after Tuesday but feel form is coming back, at least for short climbs. Blocked by traffic at the end of the descent.


20C in the valley, 12C on the col. Roads in good condition.


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