Posted on: 2019-07-03 08:55:05 by davidof

On cross country skis, and why not?

David Picard and Nicolas Perrier work for the ESF at Chamrousse and are coaches with the SNBC (Belledonne-Chamrousse ski club). In their time off, and when conditions are right, they like to head into the high mountains of the Belledonne on their cross country skis. An activity normally reserved for ski tourers on heavier gear. They've even tackled the 2900 meter Croix de la Belledonne, the highest summit in the mountain range.

They themselves admit that the gear isn't the best adapted to the activity but for long flat, or rolling traverses it comes into its own. Provided you have their skill level.

Filmed in French but with superb images and piano playing by Thomas Perron.
