Posted on: 2016-03-29 23:34:18 by davidof

Drop in Swiss avalanche deaths for 2015/16 winter

There were 8 victims of avalanches in Switzerland this winter (Jan-Feb) and a total of 13 since the start of the season (1/10/2015). A third less than the average for the same period over the last two decades of 19 victims. There have been 10 incidents involving fatalities.

The drop in accidents has been put down to the late arrival of winter. The first real snows only arrived at the end of December according to the Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research based Davos. Before that skiing off piste was very limited due to poor snow cover. Snow fell in quantity in early January causing periods of high avalanche risk and four of the incidents were during this period. Half the incidents were at risk 3, 3 at risk 2 and 1 at risk 1. All but one of the incidents were above 2200 meters. Rain to this altitude during January helped stabilize the snowpack.

The 20 year average for the whole year in Switzerland is 23 deaths.

Combe de Saxon, 16th January 2016

