Minimum altitude: 705 meters
Distance: 72.2 km
Slope Aspect: North-East
Vertical Climbed: 2,177 meters (7,143 feet)
Vertical Descended: 2,147 meters
Rating: 5
Hot, damn Hot. It wasn't too bad to Plan Lachat but at 4k from the summit I didn't feel great. Very shakey on reaching the col and had to lie down. After 20 minutes and some photos we decided to descend but I wasn't too well and we had to stop again just 3km down the road for me to recover. Not too bad to Valloire after but very weak climbing back up to the Telegraph for a slow descent back into the valley. Seriously hard day in the heat although Mike didn't seem to suffer so much.
Hot, +28C on the Col. Mid 30s in the valleys. Road has been resurfaced in places but a bit rough between Plan Lachat and Valloire descending.