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Looking for BC trip partners December 17-20
Posted: 06 October 2011 12:38 AM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2011-10-06

I have a trusted, local guide who I have toured with twice before reserved for one day of ice climbing and three days of ski touring December 17-20. Looking to see if anyone wants to join for some/all of the trip in order to defray costs.

Itinerary is as follows:
-Saturday, Dec. 17: Pick-up at Calgary airport in morning, go out for a half-day of ice climbing, overnight at guide’s house in Golden, BC
-Sunday, Dec. 18 ski tour Roger’s Pass, overnight in Golden
-Monday, Dec. 19 ski tour Roger’s Pass, overnight in Lilloette
-Tuesday, Dec. 19 ski tour Duffey Lake, drive to Whistler

Please e-mail me at and we can discuss.
