Apocalypse Snow - le retour
Anyone who is a fan of garish pink and yellow one piece ski suits, sweat bands, mullets, monoskis and Zorbing should procure themselves a copy of the cult movie Apocalpse Snow. Up until now video tapes of Didier Lafond and Regis Rolland’s classic had been hard to find. You would have to ask your local Blockbuster manager if he had something a little bit raunchier than the Warren Miller you rented last week hidden under the counter.
Now the Mad Max of snowboard movies is back in glorius digital video. Set in the near future the saga tells the tale of two rival tribes of riders. One lot live in an old fortress high above Bourg Saint Maurice where they engage in such weird rituals as dousing Salomon kit in petrol and setting it alight. Well okay, nothing that weird. These guys are bad ass monoskiers who are hell bent on discovering snowboarder Rolland’s “le secret de la glisse”. The scenes are a feast for any fans of ski and snowboard history as Rolland rides the endless powder fields of the high Tarentaise on what looks like a surfboard held to his feet with a couple of bungy straps.
Lafond is also returning to his roots with the filming of Apocalypse Snow IV over this winter. Production started in September and the movie will feature riders old and new as it returns to familiar haunts at les Arcs and beyond. Lafond’s movies have a flowing style where riders can play with the terrain and develop sequences.
Further Information
Adventures and Legendes has brought out the DVD: http://www.montagnedistribution.com/produit.aspx?id_sous_cat=4&id_pdt=854
Posted by on Friday, 10 November, 2006 at 01:32 PM
yesssssssssssssssssssssssss !!!!!!
Posted by on Friday, 17 November, 2006 at 08:02 PM
Here are a couple of video links to whet your appetite
and the 1983 movie
Posted by
davidof on Monday, 20 August, 2007 at 04:02 PM
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