Your tour looks better than the conditions today. KenR had called me to warn me things were not great but I decided to do the Three Cols tour of the Haute-Pointe as it meant I could ski “en famille” in the afternoon. The refreeze should have been better and between the south-west to north-west it was pretty good as the area isn’t getting too much sun. On north slopes it was skiable and everywhere else it was deep glop.
There has been a lot of avalanche activity since the spring heatwave. This slide is typical:
Full depth avalanche on grassy 30 degree plus slope. There were a lot of glide cracks too.
and this interesting looking fold
A member of the Haute-Savoie rescue services recently told me that the snowpack around these glide cracks are most dangerous when it is cold. Aparently the cold makes the remaining bonds with the slope very fragile. Obviously you’ve got to be careful when it is warm too as meltwater lubricates the snowpack and the surface - lethal where it is slippery grass.
Anyway, until it gets colder aim to go higher than 2000 meters.