you can imagine how the meetings went .... “we’re putting it in the cloud” ..... that will have played well up the management chain.
the situation with Swiss Map 50 is very poor, this is a fairly new product released in 2009 costing 500 chf albeit using a toolset for a hardware platform that Apple haven’t shipped since 2006. It’s the Swiss Map 50 that corresponds to the blue ski tour maps.
It really confirms what I’ve thought for a while, government mapping agencies really shouldn’t be in the software business. If they wanted to spend their time and my money and my tax, more usefully I’d suggest they pursue some international standards for mapping data so we can buy the data anywhere and buy a mapping product that works and use the same data, that we paid for already, on our GPS units.
This really, really sucks. They’ve extracted money for the same data from me 7 times now (*) and are offering me an 8 chf discount on the next bit of racketeering. It looks a reasonable deal if you’re a new user but I’d not get too carried away, their track record of delivering software that works reliably is pretty abysmal.
* 7 times
1. original SwissTopo GPS for Garmin
2. version 2 (with routing) SwissTopo for Garmin
3. 1:25k paper maps
4. 1:50k paper maps (yellow)
5. 1:50k paper maps (blue, ski tour)
6. Swiss Map 25
7. Swiss Map 50