Ski Touring: Col Dulong de Rosnay by the col de la Combe - 2,813 m. (9,229 ft)

Wed, 26 May 2021


Minimum altitude: 1,773 meters

Distance: 12.2 km

Slope Aspect: North

Trip Reports

Vertical Climbed: 1,350 meters (4,429 feet)

Vertical Descended: 1,350 meters

Rating: 3.1

Avalanche Risk: -

Snowline: 2,000



From the col du Glandon (1922m) climb west to the Col de la Combe which is visible from the car park. Ski la Combe to the Combe de la Croix (steep slopes) then continue west to the Glacier de l'Argentiere, climb to the south to reach and obvious and open col (danger corniche). Return via the Combe de la Croix.


Trip with Chris and Herve without a fixed destination except to find good snow. We had a lot of trouble with sticky snow climbing which rather dampened our earlier enthusiasm despite applying paraffin wax to the skins. In the end the idea was to find good snow to ski which we managed with old powder in the Combe and under the Col Dulong de Rosnay transforming to spring snow in the Combe de la Croix. In general the flatter slopes had better snow.


Old powder above 2400 meters. Transformed snow on North and East facing slopes in the Combe de la Croix


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