Arva Evolution

Gear > Avalanche Gear > Avalanche Transceivers > Digital Beacons > Arva Evolution+

Arva Evolution Plus

The consumer model Arva Evolution+ gains a second antenna to become a truly directional beacon and is now housed in the same case as the ARVA ADvanced. Rachel Mugnier, the Marketing Director, told us that in short production run electronic items the principal costs are the R&D and case moulds. When the Evolution+ is first switched to search mode it scans the received signals and will indicate if there are multiple burials cycling through the distance and direction to each beacon within range for the first few seconds. It will then lock on the nearest beacon. The 16 bit processor is fast with little of the lag associated with early digital beacons. The display has five direction arrows which guide the user to the victim. Nic-Impex believe that the user interface should be straightforward in the stressful environment of a real search.

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