Mountain Biking: No Name + Pierre Champ Bertin - 669 m. (2,195 ft)

Thu, 2 October 2014


Minimum altitude: 262 meters

Distance: 16.4 km

Slope Aspect: East

Vertical Climbed: 605 meters (1,985 feet)

Vertical Descended: 605 meters

Rating: 3


No Name: From St Ismier climb to the Tour d'Arces (medieval watch tower) then take the Pierre Grosse trail. After the Pierre Grosse the "No Name" is on the left. There have been some conflicts with the owner of the land.

Pierre Champ Bertin: Descend the south side of the Pierre Champ Bertin (large bouldering rock) to the east to pick up a trail that descends to the Champ Bertin with a series of steps. Nothing too difficult for good mountain bikers although getting worn in places.


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