Posted on: 2017-02-12 21:37:47 by davidof

Series of avalanches in French Alps leave 3 dead

A series of avalanches in the French Alps have left 3 people dead. On Saturday a ski instructor was killed close to the resort of Montgenèvre. On Sunday a ski tourer was caught in the popular Combe à Marion and an off piste skier near Megève.

A police investigation into the Montgenèvre incident has revealed that the victim was equipped with an avalanche beacon but it was not switched on. The rescue was complicated by poor visibility, the victim was eventually found by a dog after 2 hours searching. The

A ski tourer was caught by a large avalanche in the combe du rocher jaune close to the Pointe de Merdassier in the ski resort of La Clusaz. The victim was carried 300 meters into trees. 3 other skiers were able to find using his beacon. He died in the early evening in hospital. The avalanche risk was 2/5.

An experienced local skier was killed by a slide in the Véry sector of Megève. The skier triggered a wind slab that took most of the slope below the Aiguille Croche (2 487m). The victim was carried 400 meters over cliffs. He was recovered by pisteurs from the ski resort under 60cm of snow. The avalanche risk was 3/5. Well known in the area he ran a mountain restaurant in the resort. In the Chartreuse spring like temperatures were probably responsible for a full depth slide that injured a walker close to the Petit Som summit.
