Henry’s Avalanche Talk UK Tour
Henry Schniewind of Henry’s Avalanche Talk fame has just dropped us a line asking us to remind readers of the remaining days of his UK tour. Feedback on the Internet forums says that the talks have been very well received with good use of video, graphics and practical demonstrations of kit. There is a basic introduction talk for anyone considering going off marked ski slopes and a more advanced talk for those who already have some experience in the backcountry or who have been on the basic talk.
This is the course schedule for the remainder of the tour. Check with the venue for exact details and timings if you are traveling some distance.
Thu, 26th October 2006 @ 18:00
Riding Off-Piste and Avalanche Awareness - The Basics
Location: SNO!ZONE@Xscape, MILTON KEYNES. £5 Entry.
Information: An exciting intro to off-piste adventure and safety featuring film, photos, music and live speakers.
Thu, 26th October 2006 @ 20:30
Riding Off-Piste and Avalanche Awareness - The Basics
Location: SNO!ZONE@Xscape, MILTON KEYNES. £5 Entry.
nformation: An exciting intro to off-piste adventure and safety featuring film, photos, music and live speakers.
Fri, 27th October 2006 @ 18:00
Riding Off-Piste and Avalanche Awareness - The Basics
Location: SNO!ZONE@Xscape, MILTON KEYNES. £5 Entry.
nformation: An exciting intro to off-piste adventure and safety featuring film, photos, music and live speakers.
Fri, 27th October 2006 @ 20:30
Riding Off-Piste and Avalanche Awareness - The Basics
Location: SNO!ZONE@Xscape, MILTON KEYNES. £5 Entry.
Information: An exciting intro to off-piste adventure and safety featuring film, photos, music and live speakers.
Sat, 28th October 2006 @ 15:00
In-depth on Avalanches and Riding Safe
Location: SNO!ZONE@Xscape, MILTON KEYNES. £10 Entry.
Information: A closer look at having fun and being safe in the mountains in winter conditions featuring two speakers and an interactive presentation. £10 Entry includes a handout on the presentation theme of avoiding accidents.
Sat, 28th October 2006 @ 18:00
Riding Off-Piste and Avalanche Awareness - The Basics
Location: SNO!ZONE@Xscape, MILTON KEYNES. £5 Entry.
Information: An exciting intro to off-piste adventure and safety featuring film, photos, music and live speakers.
Sun, 29th October 2006 @ 15:00
In-depth on Avalanches and Riding Safe
Location: SNO!ZONE@Xscape, MILTON KEYNES. £10 Entry.
Information: A closer look at having fun and being safe in the mountains in winter conditions featuring two speakers and an interactive presentation. £10 Entry includes a handout on the presentation theme of avoiding accidents.
Sun, 29th October 2006 @ 18:00
Riding Off-Piste and Avalanche Awareness - The Basics
Location: SNO!ZONE@Xscape, MILTON KEYNES. £5 Entry.
Information: An exciting intro to off-piste adventure and safety featuring film, photos, music and live speakers.
Thu, 9th November 2006 @ 18:00
Riding Off-Piste and Avalanche Awareness - The Basics
Location: Hosted by Ride Cycle Works
Information: We’re planning a series of shows and events in and around Poole with Ride Cycleworks 9-12 November. More details coming soon!
Further Information
Posted by
davidof on Tuesday, 24 October, 2006 at 10:59 PM
Why is there no Scottish Date? Madness! The one part of the country that has Ski areas. Scotland is crying out for something like this. Visit a scottish ski centre on a powder day and you’ll be stunned by the stupidity of people.
Posted by
Scottish Skier on Wednesday, 25 October, 2006 at 03:22 PM
Scottish avalanches are both legendary and dangerous. Davy Gunn posted a link to one incident in the spring:
The classic textbook A Chance in a Million?: Scottish Avalanches
documents Scottish Avalanches and points out that avalanches can occur in most northerly lattitudes in the British Isles including the Lake District where there is a private Tow on Yad Moss. I will ping Henry to see if he has read your comments.
Posted by
davidof on Monday, 30 October, 2006 at 11:14 AM
Hi Scottish Skier - we were in Braehead (Glasgow) at the Xscape for 4 days in Mid-Oct it was not promoted well at all. So, I’m looking for another venue in Scotland for next year (one that will help me promote the event more so that more people will be aware that it is actually happening!). Any ideas for a venue for next autumn would be greatly appreciated. Otherwise I have two interested venues already in mind listed below– encouraging the following two people would help me to set up a series of presentations in Scotland:
1. Walter Hamilton of the Tiso lecture series. He is interested in creating an avalanche awareness series next autumn at 5 or 6 of the Tiso shops in Scotland walter.hamilton@tiso.co.uk
2. Julie winter of the Glasgow ski centre expressed keen interest for this year, but I regrettably and foolishly declined Julie@ski-glasgow.co.uk
It may sound early, but I learned this year that to get to all those people that Scottish Skier mentions, you have to get the event planned and promotion going many months in advance.
In the mean time, I fully suggest getting A Chance in a Million?: Scottish Avalanches. I have my own copy signed by Blythe Wright (one of the authors). Speaking of Blythe, he is at the SportsScotland Avlaanche Information Service (SAIS) http://www.sais.gov.uk They are a wealth of knowledge….
I’m currently setting up a schedule of our talks and courses on http://henrysavalanchetalk.com/main/talks/schedule.do
Posted by
Henry on Tuesday, 31 October, 2006 at 05:50 PM
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Posted by
emo on Tuesday, 22 December, 2009 at 08:07 PM
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