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Safety Advisory for ABS Airbag
Posted: 08 March 2010 11:13 PM  
Total Posts:  2234
Joined  2003-10-24

Readers of Pistehors will recall two piste patrollers who were hit by an avalanche at Valmeinier in December. They were carrying out avalanche control work in the Crey du Quart sector. One of the pisteurs was able to trigger his ABS Airbag and remained on the surface of the slide escaping without injury. The other was buried under 150cm of snow. Rescued after 15 minutes thanks to the signal from his avalanche beacon he was suffering from hypothermia and shock.

The second piste patroller was also equipped with an airbag. It appears that he was unable to trigger the pack due to the prescence of his radio set positioned on that side of his body. It is reccommended that ABS Airbag users do not wear anything that can possibly impede access to the triggering handle included radio handsets.