The warm weather blew in today. It was 15C in the valley north of Grenoble and warm enough to ski in a jumper. Off piste is very soggy with lots of avalanche activity in the afternoon. Avalanche risk is up to 3 in most areas of the Northern and Hautes Alpes tomorrow and dropping back a bit (3) in the Pyrenees. Risk is on all slope aspects.
Chris with an interesting style on the Pravouta N. side yesterday.
There was a big slide at St Francois Longchamp on the Homme du Beure. Readers will remember that the Lauziere lift was taken out by a full depth avalanche last year and this seems to be a repeat of that incident. The slide was 2 meters deep in places and stopped close to a piste. The Lauzière chair is closed. Important avalanche protection work was carried out on the site over the summer, it now looks more like a WW1 battlefield.
In Switzerland a 62 year old ski tourer has been kiiled above Teysachaux-Moléson in the Fribourg canton yesterday (29/1/13). His body was only found at 1am after an extensive search.