I have used Memory Map a lot in the UK for cycling-related stuff, and found it pretty good. Done exactly what ace1 wants to do and laminated the bit I want; you can then tuck that away in jersey pocket, shorts, etc for quick access. Still works after you have dropped it, even from height into a puddle…
I also have a friend who uses Memory Maps with IGN French 1:25,000 maps to very good effect. He just plans routes, and logs with a GPS logger. Great to compare what ski route you planned with what you actually did! Can be a shock occasionally to see how much you deviated. One word of warning, I have gotten used to making a reasonably OK judgement of slope angles from a glance at the map countours. If you print off a section that is blown up, take care not to misjudge this.
And finally… not having bought the IGN maps for my own laptop, I still rely on good ol’ paper for French day tours. But have re-drawn in red all the lifts (actual lifts, adding new ones and not red-tracing the ones that have gone; easy to do in memory-map too). And then copied (double-sided) and laminated the sections I want to use any given day. Great to have that with your compass in an accessible pocket, A3 sized (rather than A0 and able to parapente with!) and waterproof. I still have the full map in the backpack, as now and again you want to take bearings on reference points further away. There is a laminating service for full-sized maps btw, if you google.
Keep us posted ace1 on what tours you plan. If France, there may be a chance to hook up (though I’m counting the days I have left available to ski: 5 to be precise!)